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5 common household pests and how to keep them away

Household Pests: Living in a comfortable and healthy home is everyone's dream. However, common household pests can turn your dream home into a nightmare. These pests not only cause damage to your property but also pose various health risks. Knowing these common household pests and taking the necessary measures to keep them away from your home plays a critical role in maintaining a comfortable living environment.

5 common household pests and how to keep them away
Source image by: aleksandarlittlewolf

In this article, we will discuss five common household pests and provide some effective tips on how to keep them away. We aim to help you identify these pests, understand the problems they bring, and share best practices for keeping your home pest-free.

5 Common Household Pests

A. Cockroaches

Cockroaches are one of the most common and resilient pests found in homes. They are not only unpleasant to look at but can also pose significant health risks by spreading bacteria, triggering allergies, and contaminating food. Roaches can enter your home through small cracks, vents, or even hitch a ride on your belongings.

Problems Caused by Cockroaches

  • Contaminate food and kitchen surfaces with bacteria, causing food poisoning.
  • Trigger allergies and asthma attacks.
  • Emit an unpleasant odour.

How Cockroaches Enter Your Home

  • Through cracks and crevices.
  • Through drains and vents.
  • Attached to items brought into the house like groceries, furniture, and packages.

B. Mice

House mice are small rodents that can cause significant damage to property and transmit diseases when they make their way into your home. These tiny creatures can chew through walls, insulation, and electrical wires, sometimes causing fires. Additionally, their droppings and urine can spread diseases such as salmonellosis and hantavirus.

Dangers Presented by Mice

  • Property damage due to their gnawing habits.
  • Contamination of food and surfaces with their droppings and urine.
  • Spread of diseases through their droppings, urine, or bites.

Ways Mice Can Get into Your House

  • Through small holes or gaps in walls, doors, or foundations.
  • Through vents or pipes.
  • Inside packages or other items brought in from the outdoors.

C. Ants

Ants are social insects that often invade homes in search of food and shelter. Large numbers of ants can be annoying and quite challenging to control. Some species, like carpenter ants, can cause structural damage to your home. Ants can be easily spotted crawling in long trails, especially in the kitchen area, where they gather food.

How Ants Can Be a Nuisance

  • Contaminate food stored in open or poorly sealed containers.
  • Cause damage to your home structure, especially in the case of carpenter ants.
  • Annoyance due to their large numbers and persistence.

How Ants Make Their Way into Homes

  • Through tiny cracks or openings in windows, doors, or foundations.
  • Along tree branches that touch the house.
  • Guided by scent trails left by other ants.

D. Flies

Flies are annoying pests often found buzzing around your home. They are not only bothersome but can also cause health problems by contaminating food and surfaces with the harmful bacteria they carry. Some common types of flies found in households include house flies, fruit flies, and drain flies.

Health Concerns Related to Flies

  • Contamination of food and surfaces with bacteria leads to illnesses.
  • Spread of diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid.

How Flies Get Access to Houses

  • Through open doors and windows without screens.
  • Through drainpipes and other small openings.
  • Carried indoors on food, clothing, or even people entering the home.

E. bed bugs

Bed bugs are small pests that feed on human blood and can cause itchy bites and discomfort. They like to hide in mattresses, bed frames, furniture, and other cracks and crevices. You can unknowingly bring bed bugs into your home through luggage, used furniture, or even on your clothing.

Issues Caused by Bed Bug Infestation

  • Itchy and painful bites, causing discomfort and sleep disruption.
  • Allergy symptoms in some individuals.
  • Psychological distress due to infestations.

How Bed Bugs Can Be Brought into a Home

  • Through luggage or other belongings after staying in an infested hotel or residence.
  • Through used furniture, clothing, or other second-hand items.
  • Hitching a ride on clothing after spending time in a public place where bed bugs are present.

How to Keep These Pests Away

A. Methods to Prevent and Control Cockroaches

  • Seal cracks and crevices in walls, doors, and windows.
  • Keep your home clean and free from clutter.
  • Store food in sealed containers, and avoid leaving dirty dishes overnight.
  • Regularly take out the trash and use trash cans with lids.
  • Use commercial baits or traps, or call a pest control professional if needed.

B. Strategies to Avoid and Manage Mice Infestation

  • Seal any gaps or holes in walls, doors, and foundations. Keep in mind that mice can squeeze through openings as small as a dime.
  • Remove any sources of food and water, such as open containers or leaking pipes.
  • Use traps or rodenticides when necessary, but be cautious when using them around children and pets.
  • Consider calling a professional pest control service if your mouse problem persists or becomes unmanageable.

C. Steps to Prevent and Deal with Ants

  • Regularly clean surfaces, particularly in kitchens, to remove food residue that may attract ants.
  • Store food in sealed containers, especially for sweet or sticky substances.
  • Eliminate standing water or moisture sources, as these attract ants.
  • Use commercial ant baits or insecticides as needed, or contact a pest control professional.

D. Tips to Ward Off Flies

  • Install screens on doors and windows to keep flies out.
  • Regularly clean garbage cans and take out the trash.
  • Keep food covered and stored away.
  • Use fly swatters, sticky traps, or insecticides when necessary.

E. Guidelines for Preventing and Handling Bed Bugs

  • Check for bed bugs when travelling and take precautions to avoid bringing them home.
  • Regularly inspect mattresses, bed frames, and furniture for signs of bed bugs.
  • Wash and dry bedding and clothing at high temperatures to kill any present bed bugs.
  • Call a professional pest control service if you suspect an infestation, as dealing with bed bugs can be challenging.


Keeping your home free of common household pests requires diligence and consistency. By regularly maintaining cleanliness and properly sealing your home, you will create a safe and comfortable living environment for your family. Remember, if you are struggling with a persistent pest problem, don't hesitate to contact a professional pest control service to help you tackle the issue.

Article Slug: 5-common-household-pests-how-to-keep-them-away
Meta Description: Discover five common household pests that can invade your home and learn practical steps to prevent these intruders from causing damage and health issues. Find out how to maintain a pest-free home for a healthier, more comfortable living environment.

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